
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Put Out AT Least 1 Piece Of Content Every Day

While taking my daily shower this morning, I started to get a bunch of ideas racing through my mind about what today’s blog post could be about (Anyone else get their best ideas while in the shower?).

I went over all of these ideas and thought I should write about the most important one of them all. The idea that I believe will be the most important tip that I can give you to help you the most in your Internet Marketing Business. One of the things that make me feel great is to help someone and really make them happy. So if any of my tips help you out in any way, please leave a comment because I would love to hear from you. That's what I love about blogging.

A little while ago I was helping my good friend and mentor Michael Cheney with a live event he was doing and he said something that really hit home with me and something that pops into my head every morning. I have also written it down at the top of my "to-do" list to remind me just in case I have a brain freeze and forget.

And of course the brilliant thing that he said was... "Put out at least 1 piece of content EVERY DAY!

That is so important because if you put out 1 piece every day, how many will you have in a month? Approximately 30 of course. If you are a beginner and you just put up a website, you will need traffic. The more content you put out, the more chances you have of getting traffic to your site. So if you are not getting much traffic right now, put out more content.

There's a bunch of ways to create content... blog posts, articles submitted to article sites with a link back to your site, put videos on sites like YouTube linked back to your site, emails to your list etc.

I've been mainly writing and submitting articles to article sites everyday and my traffic is increasing because of it. I have even seen a few sites pick up my articles and put them on their sites with a link back to me. This is bringing me traffic from them and once more sites use my articles, I will get even more traffic.

This increase in traffic has also increased my opt-ins. I reached my 100th opt-in the other day :-).

One more thing... Don't worry about making the perfect content. Just do your best, be honest and get something out there. With practice you will get better in time. I know that I'm not the best writer in the world but I love it and at least I'm taking action and putting SOMETHING out everyday. AND I'm starting to see results.

Ok... Gotta go and write more articles! :-)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Have You Heard Of The 50/10 Method?

I first heard of the 50/10 method from a Twitter message that Jason Van Orden of Internet Business Mastery fame sent out. (Jason's Twitter username is jasonvo) Basically the 50/10 method is when you break up your workday into 1 hour chunks. Work for 50 minutes and then take a break and do absolutely nothing for 10 minutes.

The trick to really making this technique work well is to make sure you have a focused 50 minutes of non-stop work with no distractions. Shut off your phone, stay away from your email account and turn off your Twhirl. I went through some withdrawals shutting off my Twhirl ;-).

After the 50 minutes are up, get away from your computer and clear your mind for 10 minutes. Go outside and get some fresh air or lie down on your sofa and close your eyes for a bit. The whole point of this exercise is to get your momentum going and get as much done as you can in those 50 minutes. After that you relax and give your brain a rest for 10.

This method really produces amazing results for me because of the focused 50 minutes of timed work. I also find that I have a lot more energy now than I did when I would work for 2 or 3 hours straight without a break. The combination of focused work, more energy and no distractions is what makes this method work so well for me.

Make sure you use a timer with an alarm. Don't just use your watch or a clock because chances are you will be distracted by looking at the clock to see how much time you have left. I don't have a timer with an alarm so I did a quick search on Google and found one. Feel free to check out this free Stopwatch with a built in alarm.

So try out this method and let me know what you think. Hopefully it will help you as much as it's helped me.

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