
Monday, May 5, 2008

Have You Heard Of The 50/10 Method?

I first heard of the 50/10 method from a Twitter message that Jason Van Orden of Internet Business Mastery fame sent out. (Jason's Twitter username is jasonvo) Basically the 50/10 method is when you break up your workday into 1 hour chunks. Work for 50 minutes and then take a break and do absolutely nothing for 10 minutes.

The trick to really making this technique work well is to make sure you have a focused 50 minutes of non-stop work with no distractions. Shut off your phone, stay away from your email account and turn off your Twhirl. I went through some withdrawals shutting off my Twhirl ;-).

After the 50 minutes are up, get away from your computer and clear your mind for 10 minutes. Go outside and get some fresh air or lie down on your sofa and close your eyes for a bit. The whole point of this exercise is to get your momentum going and get as much done as you can in those 50 minutes. After that you relax and give your brain a rest for 10.

This method really produces amazing results for me because of the focused 50 minutes of timed work. I also find that I have a lot more energy now than I did when I would work for 2 or 3 hours straight without a break. The combination of focused work, more energy and no distractions is what makes this method work so well for me.

Make sure you use a timer with an alarm. Don't just use your watch or a clock because chances are you will be distracted by looking at the clock to see how much time you have left. I don't have a timer with an alarm so I did a quick search on Google and found one. Feel free to check out this free Stopwatch with a built in alarm.

So try out this method and let me know what you think. Hopefully it will help you as much as it's helped me.

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