
Monday, June 9, 2008

How I Fixed My WordPress Installation Problem

I'm in the process of transferring my blog over to my newly purchased domain name and last night I ran into a bit of trouble during my WordPress installation.

First of all, I'm going to use a WordPress blog on my domain, so I downloaded the files from WordPress. Once downloaded I followed the installation instructions and changed the information in the wp-config file. I changed the name of the database and the username I created for WordPress.

The next part says that 99% of the time you don't have to change the "DB_HOST" but as it turned out I was one of the lucky 1%.

So anyways, I saved the changes that I did make to the wp-config file and uploaded everything to my site. When I checked to see if it worked, I got a nasty "Error establishing a database connection" message.

So not realizing what the problem was I just went back to and typed the error message in. That brought up a bunch of results, which led me back to the installation instructions and the "DB_HOST" part again.

I now realized that this must be the problem and I would need to change it and see how it goes. On the installation page it has a link to a page of what these "possible DB_HOST Values" codes could look like for different hosting companies.

I found the example for my hosting company, found and copied the code from my control panel and then pasted it into my wp-config file.

Once I uploaded it I had to jump up and celebrate because it worked like a charm.

So if you are thinking of setting up a Wordpress blog on your own domain, keep this experience in mind and it might save you a lot of time and hassle.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Get Internet Marketing Coaching From Michael Cheney

In my last blog post I told you about the Internet Marketing coaching program I joined that was offered by Michael Cheney.

Well last night I sat down with my cup of tea and tuned in to our weekly live streaming coaching show. Michael started off by talking about a special offer that he sent out to his lists for another coaching program that he is offering. The majority of the people on this live coaching show had received the email and some people even contacted Michael to ask him why this offer is so much cheaper than the $4000 we paid.

The main differences why we paid more is because we are getting more personal coaching from phone calls and longer email access to him as well as a few other goodies. Just being able to talk to Michael on the phone to ask him anything I want is worth the $4000 to me.

I do realize that not everyone has $4000 to invest in an Internet Marketing coaching program like this, so you'll be blown away when you check out the price Michael is offering this system for.

If you are a beginner you might be wondering... "Is it easy to set everything up to start making money right away even if you have never set up a website before?". Yep, it sure is easy to set up. In fact, a 14 year old kid used this exact system to make $18,076 in less than 3 days.

Now I'm not going to waste your time by writing 10 pages of what you will be getting in this program and thanks to good old Michael, I don't have to. Michael has put together a short video explaining it all.

I will warn you though, he is limiting the amount of members because of all the content and personal email access he is giving to you, so he will pull the offer soon. He doesn't want to end up in a situation where he can't give you the total support you need because he is busy helping thousands of other members too.

So hurry over before it's too late and check out all the stuff that Michael Cheney is giving away.

**Update - I just found out that the offer is coming down at 9PM EST on Thursday June 12th.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Internet Marketing Coaching With Michael Cheney

One of the biggest mistakes that I have made with my Internet Marketing Business in the past was that I would jump from technique to technique without sticking to something and seeing it to the end. I would buy an ebook, try out the strategies and if I didn't see results immediately, I would lose interest and move on to another technique.

I bet there are a lot of people out there that are like I was... own all these Internet Marketing ebooks and are still struggling to make a buck.

Lately I have been seeing a little bit of success though. What turned it around for me was listening to Michael Cheney and using his techniques on one of my niche websites.

I set up an opt-in squeeze page and wrote a bunch of articles that are linked to it. I did a bunch of research and put together some great quality content for my 7-day autoresponder series. Sure this takes a lot of work and time but I now have list of 140 people and it’s growing all the time. I know that might not sound much to some people but it's better than only having 10 like I had only a few months ago.

I also got my first sale from that list the other day so I'm starting to get something in return from all that hard work.

You have no idea how happy this makes me feel. I'm not second-guessing myself anymore and I'm taking action. I know I can make a lot of money in Internet Marketing; it's just going to take some time.

How much time? I have no idea but I figured out that there is a pretty damn good chance that it wont take as long if I find someone to show me how to do it properly than if I try to do it all on my own. Find someone that has already made all of these mistakes so you can learn from it and not make the same ones. This will make things easier and save so much time.

That's where Michael Cheney comes in. I have joined his 10-week Internet Marketing coaching program where he shares all of his knowledge on how to make money in Internet Marketing. Michael limited his class to only 25 people so he can give one on one coaching and make sure that he can help everyone personally when they need it. We're getting weekly live streaming events, personal phone calls and email access to him.

It costs $4000 for this program but it’s worth it. Michael provides an unbelievable amount of content in the members area and with the phone calls, he's more than willing to kick our ass to make sure we get things done so we can make back the money we invested in his coaching program. Plus for $4000, it's got to be good. Michael has built up a reputation for providing great quality products and wanting to help people succeed. I seriously don't think he would risk his reputation by putting out crap.

I'm really excited about Michael's Internet Marketing coaching program because I feel like this is going to get me to the next level and I'm going to start making a healthy income very soon. I'll let you know how it works out :-).

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Put Out AT Least 1 Piece Of Content Every Day

While taking my daily shower this morning, I started to get a bunch of ideas racing through my mind about what today’s blog post could be about (Anyone else get their best ideas while in the shower?).

I went over all of these ideas and thought I should write about the most important one of them all. The idea that I believe will be the most important tip that I can give you to help you the most in your Internet Marketing Business. One of the things that make me feel great is to help someone and really make them happy. So if any of my tips help you out in any way, please leave a comment because I would love to hear from you. That's what I love about blogging.

A little while ago I was helping my good friend and mentor Michael Cheney with a live event he was doing and he said something that really hit home with me and something that pops into my head every morning. I have also written it down at the top of my "to-do" list to remind me just in case I have a brain freeze and forget.

And of course the brilliant thing that he said was... "Put out at least 1 piece of content EVERY DAY!

That is so important because if you put out 1 piece every day, how many will you have in a month? Approximately 30 of course. If you are a beginner and you just put up a website, you will need traffic. The more content you put out, the more chances you have of getting traffic to your site. So if you are not getting much traffic right now, put out more content.

There's a bunch of ways to create content... blog posts, articles submitted to article sites with a link back to your site, put videos on sites like YouTube linked back to your site, emails to your list etc.

I've been mainly writing and submitting articles to article sites everyday and my traffic is increasing because of it. I have even seen a few sites pick up my articles and put them on their sites with a link back to me. This is bringing me traffic from them and once more sites use my articles, I will get even more traffic.

This increase in traffic has also increased my opt-ins. I reached my 100th opt-in the other day :-).

One more thing... Don't worry about making the perfect content. Just do your best, be honest and get something out there. With practice you will get better in time. I know that I'm not the best writer in the world but I love it and at least I'm taking action and putting SOMETHING out everyday. AND I'm starting to see results.

Ok... Gotta go and write more articles! :-)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Have You Heard Of The 50/10 Method?

I first heard of the 50/10 method from a Twitter message that Jason Van Orden of Internet Business Mastery fame sent out. (Jason's Twitter username is jasonvo) Basically the 50/10 method is when you break up your workday into 1 hour chunks. Work for 50 minutes and then take a break and do absolutely nothing for 10 minutes.

The trick to really making this technique work well is to make sure you have a focused 50 minutes of non-stop work with no distractions. Shut off your phone, stay away from your email account and turn off your Twhirl. I went through some withdrawals shutting off my Twhirl ;-).

After the 50 minutes are up, get away from your computer and clear your mind for 10 minutes. Go outside and get some fresh air or lie down on your sofa and close your eyes for a bit. The whole point of this exercise is to get your momentum going and get as much done as you can in those 50 minutes. After that you relax and give your brain a rest for 10.

This method really produces amazing results for me because of the focused 50 minutes of timed work. I also find that I have a lot more energy now than I did when I would work for 2 or 3 hours straight without a break. The combination of focused work, more energy and no distractions is what makes this method work so well for me.

Make sure you use a timer with an alarm. Don't just use your watch or a clock because chances are you will be distracted by looking at the clock to see how much time you have left. I don't have a timer with an alarm so I did a quick search on Google and found one. Feel free to check out this free Stopwatch with a built in alarm.

So try out this method and let me know what you think. Hopefully it will help you as much as it's helped me.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ultimate Newbie Guide To Make Money Online

When I first discovered Internet Marketing, I thought... this is great; I can make money from home selling other peoples stuff.

I won't have to worry about commuting to work, I won't have to get up at 5:30 in the morning just to get there and best of all I can be my own boss and keep all of the CASH for myself. Well, except for the portion that goes to the taxman of course.

Besides, how hard could it be? I'll just get a website, get some of those link thingies and sell people stuff.

Heck, I sure found out pretty fast how wrong I was. Being the dummy that I was, I really expected to put up a website one day and start raking in the cash the next.

What ended up happening was it took me months before I even got a website up and even when I did, it took me months before I even made my first sale.

I spent many hours searching through forums trying to find out what I was doing wrong. I bought many ebooks that promised that I was going to make a truckload of cash overnight.

Now I don't want you to think that I'm an idiot for buying all those ebooks, I was just desperate to start making money online. Also, not all of these products were scams. Some were made by well-known IM's and they did make money for a lot of people. The problem was that I just wasn't ready for it yet. Because I was a newbie, I needed something basic with step-by-step instructions that would lead me by the hand.

Well, I finally found it. Two years later than I needed to find it unfortunately, but I did find it. If I had had this product back then, I would have started to make money online a lot sooner.

The product I'm talking about is "Start Your Profits Today" from Michael Cheney, which will be released on Tuesday April 22 at 12 Noon EST. I was fortunate enough to get a pre-launch copy a few weeks ago and Start Your Profits Today is perfect for absolute beginners.

You get over 3 hours of videos, transcripts and mp3's that will show you step-by-step how to set up your first website, how to find the best products to sell and how to get traffic to your site. Michael's system lays it all out for you so you don’t have to run around trying to find the missing pieces.

I just found out today that he is also throwing in some fantastic bonuses. He's making some videos where he will be promoting various Internet Marketing products. When you get these videos, you can easily embed your affiliate code, pop it up on your website and anyone who buys through your link, you get the commission. It's like Michael Cheney will be doing the selling for you. He's been marketing online since 1995 or something, so I think he knows what he's doing. lol.

He's also offering a voucher for money off on his upcoming LIMITED coaching program which will include weekly private live streaming events, videos, 1 on 1 coaching on the phone and mastermind sessions.

One of my favorite things about Michael is that he loves to give away great free content. Even if you are not a beginner you have to check out the tips that Michael gives away. I'm probably on every one of his lists because I don't want to miss anything that he does. I even keep all of his emails so I can study how he markets and use these techniques in the future.

So if you want to get into Internet Marketing, you should seriously consider buying Start Your Profits Today. If you're an experienced marketer then don't bother with it because you are too advanced for this product, but you should at least check out all of the free video content Michael is giving away.

Speaking of great content videos, Michael will be hosting a live web-streaming event on Monday April 21 from 3-7pm EST, where he will talk about Start Your Profits Today. You'll be able to ask him questions and knowing him, I'm sure he is giving more tips on how to make money online.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Great Way To Get Immediate Traffic To Your Site

Last night I discovered how quickly you can get traffic to your site by using a couple of Web 2.0 sites.

I got a Twitter alert by Michael Cheney saying that his live Web cast at was about to begin at 8:00 EST.

I am on a few of Michael's lists and didn't receive any emails announcing this live event, so I was interested to find out what was going on. If you have a list the size that Michael has, it only makes sense to broadcast a message to them if you want to promote a Web cast.

Well, it turns out that there was some issues with his auto responder and his messages weren't sent.

Did this destroy the whole event?

Not totally.

Sure he didn't get as many viewers as he would have liked but the people that follow him on Twitter and his regulars who check his sites everyday (I think the man is part machine because he does a live show almost every night) showed up.

And as the old saying goes... "The show must go on".

Michael gave a lot of great free information as usual and also offered an insane deal for the people who showed up.

Some good news... I got an email this morning saying that he is having a another Web cast tonight at 8:00 pm EST. So if you missed out last night, you have a chance to see what he's up to tonight.


P.S. - Here's a couple of videos for you. The first is a short clip about Michael's show and the second is a full episode from one of his earlier shows on Ustream.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ed Dale & The 30 Day Challenge Are Gonna Kick Ass This Year

Anyone who has been in Internet Marketing for a while has probably heard of Ed Dale and The 30 Day Challenge. If you are new to IM and you haven't heard of The 30 Day Challenge, then go now and check out the site.

There was so much that I learned from last years challenge that has made me a better Marketer, but the most important was the techniques they taught us on how to do thorough market research.

Market research is the most important part if you want to make money online, but most people don't put much time into it. That's usually because most people don't know how to research properly.

Well the 30 Day Challenge solved that for me last year and this year it's going to be even better.

Ed has been doing a weekly live Internet show at a very cool site called Justin TV and Ed's channel is at which is absolutely amazing. Once you sign up for an account on the site you can watch the live streaming and you can chat with the other viewers or ask Ed any IM questions that you would like answered.

They also have a great feature that once the live show is finished, you can make your own highlight videos. upload them to YouTube and then place them on your blog. I had fun playing with this all day and made some highlights from the last show for you .


Ed Dale Shows The Power Of For Internet Marketers

Why The 30 Day Challenge Is Amazing!

And just for fun...

The Legend of The Pink Thong

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sick Kids Hospital Gets $4100 Donation From 6 Year Old...

... And she's raising even more as we speak!

An amazing little 6 year old girl by the name of Julia, has written a book called "I Can Do Anything". 100% of the sales she makes goes directly to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.

Julia wrote the book while recovering from surgery at the Hospital For Sick Children because she wanted to help out the hospital that helped her out so much.

I know this has nothing to do with Internet Marketing, but Julia's story touched my heart and I just wanted to write about it and put a link to her site on my blog.

So check out the interview below that City TV did about Julia and make sure you go to her site and make a donation! Sick Kids Hospital is a great hospital and well known around the world.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

We Kept Michael Cheney Up Until 1:30 In The Morning...

... Well, sort of.

I just finished up Michael Cheney's FREE Confessions Of A Marketer phone-in call which gave a lot of great information on how to launch a product and make huge profits. The call ended a little past 8:30 EST but Michael lives in Scotland where they are 5 hours ahead of us, so he ended the call sometime after 1:30 his time.

The call include him speaking for an hour and the rest of the time he opened the line to answer any questions about Internet Marketing. So it's his own fault that he was up so late ;-)

Michael's website was made especially to promote Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula 2.0 and this phone in ties in with that. The thing is, he really didn't push the product, he just tried to give out a lot of valuable information. That's what I really like about Michael Cheney, he loves to give out as much free stuff as he can to help others become successful.

He will be having another phone in next Thursday if you're interested.

In the meantime check out this video where he talks about what he is giving away as a bonus. Even if you aren't interested in purchasing Product Launch Formula 2.0, check out the video below and get over to his website to take advantage of all the valuable free information that Michael is giving away.

Take care,

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Michael Cheney's Secret Momentum Lab

I am a huge fan of Michael Cheney!

Why? Because he has changed my life forever with his Secret Momentum Lab.

I have known about Michael Cheney since I first started playing around with Internet Marketing a few years ago but I didn't really know how caring of a person he is until recently.

Let me jump back a few months ago when I discovered his GetMomentumTV website. I loved his videos because they really gave some good advice on how to get momentum and how to become a better overall person.

This was great timing for me because my Internet Marketing Business wasn't doing as well as I liked, so I took a good look at myself and realized that one of my biggest problems was that I do too much "learning" and not enough "doing".

From watching Michael's videos, I got motivated and started "doing" a little bit more.

But it wasn't enough for me. I wanted to do more. Hell, to be blunt, I wasn't making money with my IM business. If I wanted to pay the bills, I have to start making money soon.

Why don't I just go out and get a job... any job?

I'll tell you about that in a bit.

Anyways, at the beginning of January, Michael came out with a new product called Secret Momentum Lab. Being familiar with his GetMomentumTV website and after reading the sales page, I knew I had to invest in his course.

Only one problem... it cost around a thousand bucks!

To me that's a lot of money and it scared the heck out of me. So I thought about it for awhile and decided that I had to do something to help me get to the next level. It also had a money back guarantee so I went for it.

It was the best decision I have ever made.... seriously!

The Secret Momentum Lab helps you to achieve success at anything that you really, really want to do. It provides you with tools and techniques that you can use to get instant momentum anytime you want. Thats important because with momentum, you can achieve anything.

My IM business now has a bright future. I get more done now in 1 day than probably what I got done in whole week before.

But I still have to tell you the BEST thing that happened to me because of this course.

It has nothing to do about Internet Marketing, it has to do with my health.

I have a rare muscle disease called Adult Muscular Dystrophy. Which means that my muscle fibers are unusually susceptible to damage and weaken over time. Just to give you a visual, when I climb stairs I have to pull myself up by the hand railing. When I walk I have to be very careful where I step because if I trip on something, I don't have enough strength to hold myself up and I will fall down.

I try to keep my muscles as strong as possible by walking and doing some cardio on an elliptical machine.

Before the Secret Momentum Lab program, I could only physically do 5 minutes straight. Only after 3 weeks doing the program, I can now do 20 minutes straight and I do it 3 times a week.

I am so proud of that feat because I know that if I can do 20 minutes on the elliptical machine when I have Adult Muscular Dystrophy, then having my own successful Internet Marketing Business and living my ultimate life will be a piece of cake!

Thank you Michael!